Thursday, November 17, 2011

December Playgroup Reminder!

Our December playgroup will be held on Saturday, December 3rd, from 2:00pm - 4:00pm.  It will be at the Atkinson Fire Station at 1 Academy Road, in Atkinson, NH.  This will be our first annual holiday party, with a special visit from Santa!  The kids will have the opportunity to sit on Santa's lap, tour the fire station and see the trucks, participate in holiday activities, and just play! 

If you have not yet had the chance to join us, feel free to just "drop in"!  You do not need to RSVP or sign up to attend our playgroups.  We'd love to meet you!

We look forward to seeing everyone!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Directory and Email List

We are in the process of putting together a Saturday Explorers email list and directory.  Since some of our members are not on facebook, we want to make sure that everyone is getting updates regularly!  If you would like to be included on our email list please send your email to:

We are also putting together a directory of Saturday Explorers members.  Since some members are unable to meet each month, or are not able to stay in touch with everyone regularly, we thought it might be helpful to have a directory of our members' contact information.  If you would like to be included in the directory (it's totally optional...include as much or as little info as you would like!), please email your: parents name(s), child with DS and age, children without DS and ages, hometown, email address, phone number, maybe health-related issues you have experience with in case someone had a question for you (heart, ears, tonsils, etc), and/or any other information you would like to share about yourselves! Again, this is completely optional, and you are welcome to include as much or as little information as you'd like. You can send the directory information to:
