Saturday, May 5, 2012

May Playgroup Change Today!!!

Due to very soggy weather, the playgroup will be held at Kerry's house in Londonderry at 10 am today instead. The address is posted on Facebook, and I'll email it out as well. Looking forward to seeing you!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Just a reminder that our May playgroup will be at Griffin Park in Windham, NH tomorrow, May 5th, at 10:00am.  (Address is under "Upcoming Events" if you need it!)  As of right now, the weather is supposed to cooperate, so we are sticking with our original plans!

We will reevaluate the weather Saturday morning.  If it will be too cold or wet, the playgroup will be held at Kerry's house in Londonderry instead.  We will post our final decision by 8:00am!  Please check back here tomorrow morning to see where we'll be!  Either way, we look forward to seeing you!!!